Sunday, March 25, 2007

New Norms of Life

So I have been in country for 38 days (wow!) and already what I perceive as ¨normal¨ has changed. Here are a few things that I now consider to be no big deal:
-taking the guagua (bus) 5 miles into the city and it taking an hour
-Only having 20 or so seats on the guagua and at least 50 people... 5 of whom are hanging on out the door
-7 adults fitting comfortably in a carro publico (taxi)... 3 in front and 4 in back. the car is a small sedan
-Bugs.... EVERYWHERE. I even had a cockroach in my mosquiterro the other night and another one in the shower, and ants in my food.
-sleeping under a mosquito net every night so I wont get Malaria
-Taking 2 Aralen pills once a week so I wont get Malaria
-The crazy vivid dreams that come with taking Aralen
-my day is not complete without eating rice and beans at least once a day
-Noise. The DR is one of the top 5 (or something) loudest countries in the world. Starting at 5am there is music, someone yelling, or construction, and it ends at midnight, if Im lucky.Women have full conversations with each other by yelling at the top of there lungs when they are 2 feet away and also from one house to the next when they are inside
-3-5 people on one motorcycle. And there is no driving age, so 7 or 8 year old boys are driving them
-Se fue la luz.
-Roosters. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week. And I now can sleep through it.
-Heat. Humidity. I no longer care if I sweat.
-Cows, pigs, chickens, you name it... all freely roaming the streets.
-The world stops between 12 and 2 every day. Literally... nothing is open and no one is out.
-Rain. It feels like Hurricane season already. When it rains it POURS. The streets flood and its almost impassible.
-Si Dios quierre. Which basically translates to If God allows it. People dont make definite plans or if they dont show up to something its ok because God didnt intend for it to happen.
-When its raining and there is that one random motorcycle out, the driver or passenger is holding an umbrella to protect themselves from the rain.
-a puppy running around in the middle of church service

Life here is always entertaining. There is something new every day that happens or is said and I dont know how to respond. Like the other day, I was about to take a shower and my host mom says to me ¨but its cloudy out, and you are still going to wash your hair?¨. Everything here is because of Gripe... which translate to the flu, but if you cough, sneeze, or who knows what you have gripe and better not do anything that day.

We went on a spanish trip on wednesday to Samana. It is just across the bay and absolutely beautiful. We had a picnic then went on a walk. We went to the beach and took a walking bridge to this small island and another bridge to yet another small island an it was beautiful! No one was there an it was so peaceful and relaxing. No swimming though. We werent prepared or that. I have 3 weeks left here in Sabana de la Mar. I cant believe how fast time is going. I am currently working 3 days a week for a few hours in an elementary school and loving it. I have of course 3 students who I am in love with. they are 3 bothers and they are so sneaky. I left class one day and they got in trouble just so that they would be sent to the room I was in. They also always know where I am when I am in town. Now, its a 15mins moto ride for me to get to the school, and these boys live near the school. So it has to be at least a 30mins walk for them to come into the town. But they do it... every day. And find me. They followed me home yesterday with out me knowing. The other day when I was at the Internet they found me, in the building. I let them play on the computer and they were so scared of it. I really had to coax them to touch the key board. I taught them how to write their names. It was adorable. Then after I bought them each a bag of chips and you would have thought they were getting $1000 each. their faces just lite up. Pics of them are to come soon.

Everyone in my group is doing great. There are 7 of us in Sabana de la Mar. We have really intense weeks. Mondays and fridays we have 4 hours of training, usually a volunteer comes in and gives a workshop, then we have 4 hours of language. Tues-Thurs we are in the schools for 2 hours, then have 4 hours of language, and another 2 hours of training. Needless to say we are all excited when the weekend comes.

This is a big week coming up... we have interviews with our APCD (associate PC Director) about our official placements, and our Training director is coming out as well with the PC nurse for our check ups. My lessons is being observed by the TD on thursday. She has a man from Samoa who is coming to observe how training is done here in the DR. So keep me in mind on thursday!

Pics to come soon!


Anonymous said...

Hi Leah! So glad to hear everything is going well :) Spring has finally arrived and the trees are starting to blossom. Life is good, but I miss you soo much!!! Now when I see one bug in my apartment, I won't freak out since you have to live with more than one everyday. Take care of yourself and I can't wait to see more pics! Thinking of you... Love you!

Abby - Jo said...

You just made my day....Please picture me in this D.C. dungeon of an office, all alone, laughing hysterically at your posting!! Much love my Bird.

EVA said...

Hi Leah!! I just figured out how to post and not use "Mom". Figured that wouldn't work on your blog. I've been watching your postings and can hear your excitement coming through. But this posting is hillarious--I am laughing out loud. You are in our thoughts often, and will surely be thinking of you on Thurs. Thanks for the interesting posts!

Noah said...

hey sis, sorry the long delay in writting!! the wife and i have been crazy busy and have nothing to show for it except for long trips and no relaxation.... if you can, i posted some pics from Copper, Colorado on Jonah's site. i was "working" in denver but was able to get out skiing for a bit. show the kids in DR what skiing is (your snowboard misses you)!! you are doing great things, kathy and i are very proud of you. love,

noah & kathy

PS - Ms. Abby-Jo, moving to Atlanta soon... try and keep mr. gannon in line!

mjf said...

Hey Leah!
I'm sitting at Sonner working and I just read all your blog entries during my work shift. It sounds like you are having an AMAZING time and I look forward to reading about everything else that you get into!

Meghan (from the BLUE HOUSE!)

Anonymous said...

I miss you... a lot! Love you :)