Monday, February 12, 2007

Last Post From The States

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight...

In a short 8 hours I will be in the car on my way to DC for orientation. Ill have a day and a half of orientation then catch a flight out early on Thursday and be in the DR by 2pm! I am completly packed and ready, at least I think I am, to go. I am definitely anxious. I am going to miss everyone so much, but knowing how supportive you all have been has and will continue to make this transition easier. I said goodbye to my neighbors yesterday, a family I hold very close to my heart, and Luke (he is 3) kept telling me "I want to go on a jet plane with you. I dont want to stay here." And I just got an email from the Cardarelli's, the family I babysat during the fall, saying one of their boys asked if I was taking a train and when Jodi said no an airplane, he asked "Like Jay-Jay?" (Gotta love Thomas and Friends). I love the things children say!

For now I must clean up my room (just for you Laura!) and pretend to get some sleep.

I love you all. Talk to you next time from the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC!!


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! Miss you already!!! Lots of love and best wishes :) XOXO Liv

Melissa said...

You will accompish great things! just keep your head held high and just be Leah...Always know that you are thought about and prayed for. ;) LOVE YOU!!!!

Aunt Maureen said...

Good luck Leah! We love you and are so proud of you! We'll all be following you on your blog.

Aunt Maureen

Melissa said...


Today I went to lunch with Karen and right before we were finished, she gave me a surprise. My very first pair of stripes!!! She said she had been saving one of her shirts for me because she knew my time would come. I was really touched! I came home and tried on the shirt and it was perfect and so exciting! I just thought to myself "I really wish Leah could see this"...but I'm following in your footsteps and although I have some big shoes to fill, I only hope I can be half the OPA you were! You're amazing! May you always bleed purple!

josephine said...

Ww miss you sweetie! Tico and Deuce are looking fo your warm lap. I am so excited for your grand adventure - your smile is just going to add so much to the DR sunshine. Mail is on the way! Love, Mom

jonah said...

so the BMG music interview was bad, definitely not a job I want. Next interview thursday so far, but I need to work on that tomorrow. Just got back from South Carolina for a fraternity thing and they apologized for the bad weather, it was in the 40's. When I left NYC it was 14 and snow/ice covered. I put some in a box and threw it into the river with your name on it, in case you want to show them what a snowball looks like.

Melissa said...


You are by far the most amazing person I have ever met and I can't describe the change you made in my life. I just received a package in the mail; a package that means more to me than anything I've ever received before: Your Stripes. I pulled them out, hugged them to my chest, and cried a little. I really wish you could be here with me in person, but if all I can have are your stripes, I will wear them with pride and know that you are with me in spirit. I've got my cowboy hat ready as well. I love you girl...I can't wait to hear from you! Godspeed and know that I am always here for you!


jonah said...

yo sister. I was at a bar last night for several hours with Julia Stiles. that is my random update.